
The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery at Daya General hospital provides a completely painless, scarless and rapid recovery option for Gynecomastia. A combination of liposuction and surgical excision is done to treat Gynecomastia.

This is a common cause for embarrassment while wearing t-shirts, while wearing tight clothing and even sometimes a cause for bullying among young males. Most of the time diet and exercise regimens fail to reduce this deformity.

The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery at Daya General hospital provides a completely painless, scarless and rapid recovery option for Gynecomastia. A combination of liposuction and surgical excision is done to treat Gynecomastia.

The plastic surgeon first clinically examines the client and after sending some basic blood tests, he is taken up for the procedure. The procedure takes about 1 to 1½ hours and then the patient can be discharged in a day's time.

The results of the procedure are generally permanent and give a very good result with maximum patient satisfaction.

The patient can do all normal activities such as going to work and driving from day 2 or day 3 after surgery. The patient will be advised to wear a pressure garment for a period of 6 weeks to achieve best results. The results of the surgery will be visible after 1 month and in about 2-3 months time the final results will be available. He can go to the gym for workouts after 6 weeks.

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